April 2024

2 Samuel 23:10
“He arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword: and the LORD wrought a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to spoil.”

Health Report
This winter has been unkind to me, as I grappled with COVID, persistent sinus infections, and severe colds spanning three long months. Eventually, I succumbed to pneumonia. As of now, I am on the path to recovery, although I have not yet fully shaken off the effects of pneumonia. My medical journey continues with a second follow-up appointment and another chest X-ray scheduled in 4 to 6 weeks.

2023 Recap:
What a remarkable journey of faith and service! In the course of my ministry, I witnessed 55 souls finding salvation. I diligently distributed door pamphlets to 278 households, extending an invitation to explore the message of hope. My hours were devoted to counseling the Deaf, both within my local community and across the borders of countries I visited.

During the festive season, we celebrated a joyful Christmas fellowship, gathering over 50 attendees. The spirit of unity and worship filled the room as we rejoiced in the birth of our Savior.

Crossing national boundaries, I connected with pastors from Ivory Coast and Kenya, urging them to embrace the Deaf community in their ministries. One impactful moment involved hosting a deaf man at my home for a week. Together, we delved into a crash refresher on Baptist doctrines, igniting his passion to reach the Deaf in South Sudan and Ethiopia.

In the midst of blessings, challenges persisted. The demand for workers in our mission field remained urgent, even as our ministries flourished. Undeterred, I reached out to seasoned Christians, inviting them to join our cause. The Lord’s providence sustained us, and we placed our trust in His sovereign plan.

As I reflect on the accomplishments of 2023, I am fueled by a renewed sense of purpose. Plans are underway to expand our outreach and equip more workers for God’s service. Together, we press forward, knowing that the harvest is plentiful, and the laborers are few.

A Fresh Missionary Joined:
Seven years ago, I encountered James Nyoach at the Lighthouse Africa Baptist Church in Virginia. He was visiting from Georgia, where he pursued studies at the Deaf Bible College. The scars on his forehead piqued my curiosity. James shared that he hailed from South Sudan, and his tribe marked the rite of passage into manhood by etching several horizontal lines across their foreheads.

Fast forward to May 2023, I crossed paths with James once more, this time in Denver, CO. His aspiration was to become a missionary, yet financial constraints hindered the completion of his biblical training. Despite this, he possessed a basic understanding of our doctrines. I extended hospitality by inviting him to stay at my residence for a week last October, providing a crash refresher and addressing any queries he had. Finally, in December, the IPM Board accepted James as an IPM missionary. His journey continues, fueled by faith and determination.

Prayer Requests:
Wisdom in Our Teaching: James leads Deaf Bible studies, delivers sermons from the pulpit, and trains the Deaf community for soul-winning and spiritual growth. Meanwhile, Joy focuses on teaching Deaf women and K-12 students in Christian schools.

Guidance from the Holy Spirit: We pray for the Holy Spirit to apply our teachings where they are most needed.

Seeking Support and Opportunities: We eagerly anticipate increased support, fresh meetings, and new opportunities.

Championing Deaf Ministries: Our heartfelt desire is to encourage churches to establish dedicated Deaf ministries.

Your unwavering support, whether financial, through prayer, or with encouragement, has been invaluable. Without you, none of this would be achievable. Guided by divine assistance, I persist, bearing witness to the journey that unfolds each day.

Would you consider partnering with us to reach the Deaf for Christ?

Your partner in the Gospel,
James and Joy Campbell


Posted in Prayer Letters.