Recruiting new Timothies

Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

Creation Museum/Ark Encounter Deaf Days:
At the Deaf Days three-day outreach at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter last month, we praised the Lord that 444 deaf guests attended. I set up a display booth representing the International Partnership Ministries and was trying to recruit new Timothies to join our IPM Deaf Ministries. Some pastors and church leaders stopped by at my booth and I told them about Gospel Hands circulars and encouraged them to subscribe. Those circulars are assisting pastors, leaders and workers dedicated to reaching the Deaf. It is at this link:

My son was one of the 50 interpreters who volunteered to interpret for the Deaf guests at theatres, guest booths, live programs, and special presentations. He really enjoyed it very much and wants to do it again next year as he loves to help others. My three daughters loved the educational exhibits about how the Ark was built, how Noah’s family took care of all animals and the rest.

Fields Reports:
Ivory Coast: The group of some 40 deaf is about to be displaced. In November 2022, the bulldozers and wrecking equipment for the government highway project arrived to demolish about a third of the main church building including the deaf room at the top of the stairway. Thankfully, the destruction was delayed prior to the Christmas holiday and outreach. However, the Muslim controlled government promised to be back and flattened buildings on either side of the church. The last word is that the government wants to expand more so the whole church will be demolished. It is scheduled in June 2023 if all soil boring test results show promising. We need to raise $25,000 for a plot of land that has been identified to establish a deaf-training center. We need to raise an additional $25,000 for a minibus to transport the deaf to this plot of land. With my pastor’s blessings, my home church’s deaf ministry is raising some fund as our deaf wants to help. If you would like to donate, please visit: We may not be able to stop the wrecking ball but we can make sure that the great work being done for the Lord’s battle to win the deaf continues.

Kenya: At Habari Njema Baptist Church, in Nakuru, Kenya, 13 years old pastor kid, Andrew Kiarie, successfully signed his closing prayer and I completely understood what he said. Praise the Lord, I am so happy with this church’s progress in sign language training. Their teacher, Mary, did an excellent job teaching students and they have been faithfully learning signs since 2021.

A new deaf ministry just started two weeks ago at Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church, Naivasha, Kenya. Pastor Michael Njoroge’s wife knows sign language and can interpret the church services. She planned to start a sign language class for their church members. The number of deaf ministries around Kenya is increasing, more awareness and education are spreading, and more churches take up the burden of sharing the Gospel with their deaf.

Prayer Requests:
• Wisdom as we teach. James teaches Deaf Bible Study, pulpit preaching, training Deaf for their soul winning and spiritual growth. Joy teaches Deaf ladies and Vacation Bible School children.
• The deaf would not be hindered from attending ministries.
• The Holy Spirit to apply what we teach where it is needed most.
• For increased support, new meetings, new opportunities.
• Encourage churches to start a deaf ministry.

Thank you so much for all your support, whether financial, or through prayer and encouragement. Without you, this would not be possible. Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing.

Would you consider partnering with us to reach the Deaf for Christ?

Your partner in the Gospel,
James and Joy Campbell

Posted in Prayer Letters.