Exciting Field Report – Ivory Coast

Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:11-13

Ivory Coast – Agboville Deaf Camp 2023:
On my third visit to Ivory Coast, I invited Deaf Pastor Michael Remington from Arizona to join with me preaching to the campers. Ninety-six campers came from four villages surrounding Abidjan and I learned that twenty-nine local campers were turned away because of insufficient funds. The camp had enough food for three days instead of the planned five days. Also, there was no fund for the return charter bus. Brother Mike and I discussed about helping the camp expenses and we would like to re-invite those deaf campers who were turned away. The Gracious Lord provided the need, and the camp director re-invited them to the camp. The number of campers increased to a hundred forty.

Seventy deaf campers came forward during the altar invitation and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior in their hearts. Those who responded to the altar call, twenty-five campers came from the group who were first turned away then reinvited back. I was so happy that they came back after being turned away. Brother Mike and I checked every individual to see if they understood before they prayed for the salvation. We recorded names on the sheet to ensure we didn’t count twice or thrice as some of them came forward again and again. We emphasized that salvation is one time event, not a process and encouraged them to attend Sunday school classes. Salvation is the most treasured thing that no one should be turned away. At the end of the camp week, fifty-one deaf campers responded to the invitation to surrender to serve the Lord. Praise the Lord that there are many who wants to help advancing the Gospel message to the deaf community in their own villages. Teaching the Word of God is key to growth, please pray for seventy deaf converts to attend services faithfully and remain hungry for the sounding teaching of God’s Word.

Field Report – Ivory Coast:
Brother Leonce Ekeni and his team went out and started deaf ministries at three villages: Abobo(2023), Agboville(2022), and Adzopa(2020). They are planning to start a deaf ministry at the village, San Pedro soon. Agboville deaf leader, Assoma Didier rode a two-wheel motorcycle picked up two deaf attendees at a time around the village and brought them to the church. He had to do this 14 times to get everybody to the church. After the church service, he did it again to bring them home. It requires two full gas tanks to ferry deaf attendees. He needs a three-wheel motorcycle with an attached trunk which can seat 12-15 passengers. Pray that the Lord will provide this need. Brother Leonce, Pastor Nado and Pastor Denis took Brother Mike and me to Jacqueville checking the land that IPM is working to purchase two lots for the deaf school/training center, dormitory and church. As we surveyed two lots, all of us agreed that the land is insufficient. Based on the size of the land, they can only support approximate 50-70 deaf students. I recommend that they need to get more land so they can support 150-200 students. They will work with IPM on this.

Health Report:
September 25th is the day of my first anniversary of Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia (CLL) diagnosis. Persistent fatigue and weakness are common issues for me. I am fatigued on a daily basis but have learned to roll with it and accept it. When my body says lie down, I do actually listen to it now. I deal with bone pain and a lot of muscular pain at night, but it never stops me from serving the Lord. I manage my illness much better than I did a year ago. I faithfully attend church services and teach classes. It didn’t stop me from traveling internationally. I am not currently on treatment and pray that I never need the treatment.

Prayer Requests:
1. Wisdom as we teach. James teaches Deaf Bible Study, pulpit preaching, training Deaf for their soul winning and spiritual growth. Joy teaches Deaf ladies and Christian school K-12 students.
2. The Holy Spirit to apply what we teach where it is needed most.
3. For increased support, new meetings, new opportunities.
4. Encourage churches to start a deaf ministry.

Thank you so much for all your support, whether financial, or through prayer and encouragement. Without you, this would not be possible. Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing.

Would you consider partnering with us to reach the Deaf for Christ?

Your partner in the Gospel,
James and Joy Campbell


Contributions to my ministry should be made payable IPM and sent to IPM, Inc. 100 Spring Ave. Hanover PA 17331-2717.

Be sure to include a note designating “Campbell Support” or any other special designations you may have for me. Thank you.

Posted in Prayer Letters.